This action is happening on a free-bsd system and I don't know if eol
markers are put on ends of lines in native format. I am using
spamassassin and sending spam to probably-spam for further action.
Aside from what the program learns or fails to learn, the script
searches down through probably-spam and finds all of the From: lines and
saves those to a file called rf. What I'm going to do with sed is to do
a command like sed -e "%s/^/blacklist-/ rf <cr> that should tack
blacklist- onto the beginning of every line in rf. Once that's done,
~/.spamassassin/user_prefs needs a little concatenation of the file
called rf. Once that's done I delete the file called rf and a .logout
script runs sa-learn --spam then deletes all email in probably-spam.
Last time I checked, 794 unique entries in user_prefs that are
blacklisted. This has started in October 2013 so that will give you an
idea as to the spam volume around here. I figure the more I can
automate the fewer mistakes happen and sed is golden in terms of these
capabilities! I could probably have automated more in this work flow
with sed than was done, but I figured at least this operation might have
been something sed could handle well and it appears sed will do it
better than I expected.
Post by d***@ehdp.comThat was a great question.
As in previous response, if the file is totally empty, sed tries to read the first line, fails, and exits.
If the file has one line, but no EOL marker, sed reads the line, but somehow figures out NOT to an EOL marker when it outputs the pattern space.
$ echo "X" | sed "s/X/Y/"
$ echo -n "X" | sed "s/X/Y/"
Are you wanting sed to take no action if no EOL marker on single line?
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 06:05:12 -0500 (EST), Jude DaShiell
Post by Jude DaShiellIs it within sed's logical capacity to check a file and only do a command
on that file if it has at least one line of text in it? For what I'm
trying to do with a script, if the file has zero lines it should not have
anything done to it.
If a file has zero lines sed can't do anything on it anyway, since by
definition sed works on input lines.
$ touch a
$ sed 's/^/foobar/' a
Pleae note that a file that is NOT 0 bytes in size is neither an empty file
nor one with no lines of text.
jude <***>