how to extract exact text
2013-09-19 11:29:59 UTC

I have the following file

Cat test.txt

Other text [bug 5] hardware

[bug 256] my software

My text [bug 1256]

How can I extract only the text

[bug 5]

[bug 256]

[bug 1256]

The text I need to extract is always [bug XXXXX]

XXXX is always different number.

Regards .

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Davide Brini
2013-09-19 11:49:05 UTC
On Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:29:59 +0200, "MOKRANI Rachid"
Post by MOKRANI Rachid
Other text [bug 5] hardware
[bug 256] my software
My text [bug 1256]
How can I extract only the text
[bug 5]
[bug 256]
[bug 1256]
The text I need to extract is always [bug XXXXX]
XXXX is always different number.
The answer depends on whether there can be multiple occurrences of [bug
XXX] on the same line. If not, it is trivially done with

sed -n 's/.*\(\[bug [0-9]*\)\].*/\1/p' test.txt

If not, the solution is more complex. A solution using \x1 as marker (needs
GNU sed), which also works in the single-occurrence case:

s/\[bug [0-9]*\]/\x1&/g
t ok
s/\(\[bug [0-9]*\]\)[^\x1]*/\1/g

In this case it's probably easier to use GNU grep, eg

grep -Eo '\[bug [0-9]+\]' test.txt

or awk or perl, eg

gawk -v RS='\\[bug [0-9]+\\]' 'RT{print RT}' test.txt

perl -ne 'print "$_\n" for (/\[bug \d+\]/g)' test.txt
Werfgam Nadler
2013-09-19 13:21:55 UTC

another simpler way to extract multiple patterns is

sed '

'   myFile

[bug 5]
[bug 256]
[bug 1256]

regards W.

From: Davide Brini <***@gmx.com>
To: sed-***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: how to extract exact text

On Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:29:59 +0200, "MOKRANI Rachid"
Post by MOKRANI Rachid
Other text [bug 5] hardware
[bug 256] my software
My text [bug 1256]
How can I extract only the text
[bug 5]
[bug 256]
[bug 1256]
The text I need to extract is always [bug XXXXX]
XXXX is always different number.
The answer depends on whether there can be multiple occurrences of [bug
XXX] on the same line. If not, it is trivially done with

sed -n 's/.*\(\[bug [0-9]*\)\].*/\1/p' test.txt

If not, the solution is more complex. A solution using \x1 as marker (needs
GNU sed), which also works in the single-occurrence case:

s/\[bug [0-9]*\]/\x1&/g
t ok
s/\(\[bug [0-9]*\]\)[^\x1]*/\1/g

In this case it's probably easier to use GNU grep, eg

grep -Eo '\[bug [0-9]+\]' test.txt

or awk or perl, eg

gawk -v RS='\\[bug [0-9]+\\]' 'RT{print RT}' test.txt

perl -ne 'print "$_\n" for (/\[bug \d+\]/g)' test.txt